It has begun!

Dear Reader,

I have finally got the ball rolling. I have created my very own blog. For over 2 years I have been writing mails to a select group of people (very special to me) about totally awesome and wacky stuff related to everyday life, mostly my life. It came to be known as the Wacky One Liner Collection. It’s time to evolve and share awesome stuff with everyone. Blogging… here I come.

This blog is going to be about many things. I have a passion for helping people, and so a lot of this blog is going to be about improving your life using a number of nifty little unique things wonderful people have created. Whether you are a student, an employee or just an individual, I hope this blog inspires you to create a better world for yourself and teaches you a couple of tips and tricks to deal with everyday tasks.

What on earth is going to be in store?!

Have fun reading!

Warm Regards

Jai Guru Dev

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